Category Archives: Continuing Education

CTS Offers Pastoral Excellence Program

The Center for Lifelong Learning at CTS Initiates New Programs to Boost Pastoral Excellence

Decatur, GA—The Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL) at Columbia Theological Seminary offers a new initiative in pastoral excellence. The Pastoral Excellence Programs builds on the successes of the Center for Lifelong Learning in clergy leadership formation and development. The new initiative begins in 2014 with two program facets: (1) the Leadership in Ministry Workshops, and (2) the Colloquy for Mid-Career Clergy. While each program is designed to meet the needs of different audiences, each builds on the best practices of clergy professional and personal development and learning. A key pedagogy for both programs is the peer-learning model.

The Leadership in Ministry Workshops is an on-going twice-a-year peer-based clergy leadership development program meeting at the Center for Lifelong Learning in Decatur, GA, on the campus of Columbia Theological Seminary. This program’s goals are to: (1) provide a peer-learning forum for clergy to explore the issues particular to their congregational contexts; (2) help participants develop a theoretical framework for interpreting practice and context using Bowen Systems Theory; (3) help clergy accurately identify and name the particular challenges of ministry in their context; (4) provide clergy with a safe and stimulating peer group experience for renewal and challenge.

The Colloquy for Mid-Career Clergy is for mid-career clergy (ten to twenty years into full time ministry) who are seeking to participate in a professional formative conversation or to reflect on their vocational experience, and assess their ability to meet the leadership demands/needs of their organization. Attention will be given to addressing common experiences and issues of mid-career clergy: facing either a normative or unanticipated career transition, standing at a vocational crossroads of some sort, engaging in reflective self-assessment and finding support among peers.

Clergy in mid-career face challenges, both personal and professional, that are unique to their stage in life and vocational trajectory. They have accumulated experience, know-how, and a certain amount of confidence. Not quite novices, many are still not “experts.” In fact, one of the paradoxes of clergy in mid-career is serving in increasingly complex contexts that continue to challenge their competencies, to the extent they are no longer able to solve certain problems for the systems they serve.

The goals of this colloquy experience include: (1) to provide a forum for mid-career clergy to explore the issues particular to congregational leaders at the mid-career point of their vocational trajectory; (2) to help clergy re-define and re-envision their calling and vocation; (3) to help clergy identify and name the challenges of ministry as a mid-career clergy; (4) to provide mid-career clergy with a safe and stimulating peer group experience for renewal and challenge.

Each year, more than 1300 people take courses or attend special events offered by Columbia’s Center for Lifelong Learning. Both pastors and lay persons are drawn to the center’s calendar of vibrant learning and cohort opportunities specifically created to build and enhance skills in church leadership, Christian education and formation, spiritual formation and spiritual direction.

For information on the Center for Lifelong Learning’s upcoming courses, including Leadership in Ministry and Colloquy for Mid-Career Clergy, visit

Older Adult Ministry Certification

Center for Lifelong Learning Prepares Churches for Aging Population with Older Adult Ministry Certificate

Decatur, GA—The Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL) at Columbia Theological Seminary and the Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network (POAMN) are pleased to announce a new partnership that will better equip churches and faith-based organizations to address the needs of older participants. Beginning in April 2015, the CLL will be the host location for the Older Adult Ministry Certificate Program (OAM).

Jan L. McGilliard will serve as the OAM Certificate Program Coordinator. She is a member of the POAMN Executive Committee, and is a past president of the organization. McGilliard holds a M.S. from Virginia Tech in Adult Development and Aging, a Certificate in Gerontology, Certifications in Intergenerational Programming and Lay Preaching. She is a Ruling Elder in the PC(USA) and lives in Blacksburg, VA.

“The program meets a very real need for congregations,” says McGilliard. “It is not uncommon for churches to be half or more older adults, and in small congregations, nearly all may be older. Clergy and Christian educators increasingly recognize the need to know more about the second half of life as it relates to their mission and ministry.”

The program is open to participants from any denomination or faith tradition. Four core classes and a capstone project are required to complete the Certificate Program. Two classes will be offered each spring at the CLL; participants may begin with any of these scheduled classes. Pre-course reading and post-course assignments are required. The certificate course of study may be completed in 24-36 months.

The course schedule through the spring of 2016 is listed, below, and includes two opportunities prior to the partner events launching in April 2015. Program fees for each course at the Center for Lifelong Learning are currently set at $200 per course; guest rooms and campus dining are available at the time of registration. Limited scholarship funds are available through POAMN; contact Jan McGilliard for additional information.

OAM course offered in 2014 at the POAMN Annual Conference in Excelsior Springs, MO

Spiritual Formation and Older Adults
October 17-18 | Instructor:  Henry C. Simmons, PhD

OAM course offered at the Association of Church Educators Annual Event in Baltimore, MD

Spiritual Formation and Older Adults
February 2-4, 2015 | Instructor: Henry C. Simmons, PhD

OAM courses offered at the CLL in 2015

The Process of Aging and Implications for Ministry
April 12-15 | Instructor: Mary Ann Johnson, PhD
Click here for additional information and to register.

Teaching for Transformation
April 16-18 | Instructor: Rev. Joyce MacKichan Walker
Click here for additional information and to register.

OAM classes at the CLL in 2016—Registration opens in spring 2015

Spiritual Formation and Older Adults
April 11-13 | Instructor:  Henry C. Simmons, PhD

Framing Theological Questions with Older Adults,
April 12-16 | Instructor: Rev. Marvin Simmers, EdD

Columbia Theological Seminary is an educational institution of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The Center for Lifelong Learning serves as a resource for church professionals and lay people. For a current list of upcoming programs offered by the CLL, visit

Program Contacts:

Sarah Erickson
Director, Lifelong Learning
404 687-4526

Jan McGilliard
POAMN Certificate Program Coordinator
Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry Network

The Art of Transitional Ministry

November 3-7, 2014
Mercy Center – 2039 N Geyer Rd., St. Louis, MO 63131


We live in a time of great transition in our churches and culture. Transitional Ministry Education is intended for those presently engaged in or inquiring about the nature of transitional ministry. This includes Temporary Transitional Ministry positions; which may include interim ministry, designated ministry, other temporary ministry or Installed Transitional Ministry which includes all other parish ministry positions. Committee on Ministry members and presbytery staff persons with responsibility for congregations in this time of transition will also find the education helpful.

Basic Transitional Ministry Education consists of 60 contact hours plus a practicum. The contact hours are divided equally between two residency weeks: Week I (30 hours) and Week II (30 hours), separated by a practicum which combines reflection on, and experience in, some aspect of interim/transitional ministry.

MALT offers education for both Weeks I & II. Participants must complete both Residency Week I and all practicum assignments before taking part in Residency Week II. Those who complete the first week of basic education at another site must complete all MALT practicum assignments prior to attending Residency Week II.

We offer a full thirty (30) hours of education for each week. If you desire to receive a Statement of Completion for this event, you must actively participate in all sessions in their entirety (30 contact hours).

Early registration will ensure participants ample time to complete reading assignments prior to the start of each residency week.


Participants will be introduced to and invited to reflect on:

  • The dynamics of our context of ministry in transitional times.
  • Their own self as a leader and leadership for the congregation in transition.
  • The dynamics of the congregation in a time of transition and the work of the transitional leader
  • Working with the congregation as a system, processing change issues, and managing conflict.


Participants will:

  • Reflect on their leadership style.
  • Use analytic skills for reflecting on ministry situations.
  • Working with the congregation as a system, processing change issues, and managing conflict.


Participants will reflect on:

  • The dynamics of the transitional period utilizing integrated learning conversation from their own ministry context.
  • Living with and in the congregation as system and the Transitional Pastor as a self-differentiating leader.
  • Transition as possibility for congregational transformation, reframed purpose and growing ministry capacity.


The education begins with registration on Monday at 10:45a.m. and concludes at 11:00 a.m. on Friday. Commuters are welcome with the understanding that they will participate fully in ALL sessions.


  • Double Occupancy – $700
  • Single Occupancy – $800
  • Commuter – $400
  • Additional Night – $100

A $100 deposit is required for each registration. Full payment of fees is required at onsite registration.
Registration is limited. Participants will be accepted in the order in which complete registrations (including presbytery signature) are received. The Registration Deadline is October 10, 2014.

Fees Cover:

  • Faculty costs
  •  Meeting space
  •  All materials provided for the education
  •  4 nights lodging
  •  4 breakfasts, 4 lunches and 4 dinners

Commuter fees cover:

  • Faculty costs
  • Meeting space
  • Materials
  • 8 meals


  • Prior to registration deadline: 100% refund of fees.
  • Up to two weeks following registration deadline: 50% refund of fees.
  • After two weeks following registration deadline: No refund of fees.
LOCATION: Mercy Center, St. Louis,  Missouri



Synod of Lincoln Trails
Kristi Miller
Email Kristi

Small Churches: Adventures in Vitality

“Small Churches: Adventures in Vitality” at Center for Lifelong Learning This Fall

April 4, 2014, Decatur, GA—The Center for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary will offer “Small Churches: Adventures in Vitality” as part of its innovative programs focusing on church leadership. This program is for leaders of churches with fewer than 150 members. This energetic and creative learning event will take place at the Center for Lifelong Learning on November 3-5, 2014.

Presenters: John Wimberly, former pastor of Western Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C.;  Sarai Rice, Presbyterian clergy woman and executive director of the Des Moines Area Religious Council; Dan Hotchkiss, former pastor, administrator and former consultant with the Alban Institute, will lead a course designed with the needs, interests and characteristics of smaller-sized congregations in mind. The program will offer different learning modules to address topics ranging from volunteer mobilization to stewardship, and the final session will provide participants with an opportunity to create an action plan to use in their home congregations.

For a complete program description and to register, click here.

For more information, please contact

Dr. Sarah Erickson
Director of Lifelong Learning
Dr. Israel Galindo
Associate Dean, Lifelong Learning

Columbia Theological Seminary to Offer Leadership in Ministry Workshops

January 16, 2014, Decatur, Georgia – The Center for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary is pleased to partner with Leadership in Ministry Workshops (LIM) in 2014 to offer a unique leadership development experience for clergy and ministry leaders.

Israel Galindo, Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning said, “This is a great partnership. The Leadership in Ministry workshops match perfectly the mission and work of the Center for Lifelong Learning. I’ve long thought the model LIM utilizes is one of the most effective for continuing education available. It is grounded in solid theory, and uses peer learning and case study approaches for its methodology.”

The workshop seeks to apply Bowen Family Systems Theory as further developed by Edwin Friedman, author of Generation to Generation and A Failure of Nerve, to leadership in ministry and organizations. The majority of time is spent in small group case studies led by participants and facilitated by experienced faculty coaches. As such, participants work to apply the theory to the “real world” realities of their ministry context.

Each annual workshop meets for two sessions (fall and spring) but the program is, by design, an ongoing leadership development program. Some participants have attended for several years, with some participating for almost a decade, reaping the benefits of long-term commitment to personal and professional growth.

The dates for the Atlanta workshops are November 17-19, 2014 and March 9-11, 2015. In addition to the Atlanta site, LIM has workshop locations in Boston, West Virginia, and Portland. For more information or to register, visit or to learn more about LIM, visit


Israel Galindo
Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning


Sarah Erickson
Director of Lifelong Learning

Christian Education Opportunity

Attention, all members of our POV churches! Would you like to…

  • Map your educational ministry perspectives and contexts for dynamic faith formation today,
  • Discover the basics and best practices for teaching the Bible with congregations and faith communities,
  • Explore education as the integration of discipleship, worship, and evangelism for social transformation,
  • Locate and evaluate resources in multiple formats for education through the Reformed faith lens?

Then plan to attend the POV Academy’s next class, “Christian Education, Creating a Climate for Lifelong Faith Formation,” at Camp Pyoca on March 14-15. Our instructor is Candace Hill, Coordinator of Educational Ministries for Congregational Ministries Publishing, PCUSA. Registration closes February 14. For details and registration forms, please see the POV Academy webpage.

How Can YOU Share in the Ministry of Care?

ALL members of POV churches, especially Deacons but also others, are invited to learn more about assisting with caring for those in your congregation.

The POV Academy’s January 17-18 class, “Sharing the Ministry of Care,” will help you:

  • Gain comfort and competence with home, hospital/nursing home visits
  • Practice ministry of Presence listening skills
  • Reflect on boundaries, confidentiality, and legal responsibilities
  • And much more!

Registration for this class, to be held at Camp Pyoca, closes on November 17. 

Posters and registration forms are on the POV Academy webpage.
Contact Barbara Snyder for more information.