The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Category: Conferences

  • Workshops at Big Tent

    Rev. Charles Pye, pastor of Grace Presbyterian in Clarksville, will be co-leading two workshops as part of the Healthy Ministry Conference at the Big Tent. Financial Issues for Candidates and Ministers  – Friday, July 1 at 2:00 pm Led by Charles Pye, minister and CPA, and Laura Bryan, associate for Financial Aid for Studies, OGA/GAMC.…

  • CTS Lifelong Learning 2011

    Columbia Theological Seminary Center for Lifelong Learning May 10, 2011 Looking for learning events for the summer, the fall of 2011 or beyond?  Click on one of these courses, or check out the full list of Lifelong Learning events for 2011-12. We hope you’ll find something that will feed your soul, stimulate your thinking, and…

  • Presbyterian Women Synod Gathering in June

    Presbyterian Women Holds Synod-Wide Gathering June 10-12, Rochester, Ind. Presbyterian Women from the Synod of Lincoln Trails will gather at Geneva Conference Center in Rochester for three days of workshops, worship and friendship. Marta Rodriquez, national Presbyterian Women moderator, and Robin Chaddock, author and seminar leader, are among the speakers. Registration deadline is May 15. Download…

  • Synod Scholarships to Big Tent

    Synod Offers Scholarships to PC(USA) Event Thousands Expected June 30 – July 2 in Indianapolis Lincoln Trails will award a number of $100 scholarships to help defray the cost of attending PC(USA)’s Big Tent event. There are nine different partner conferences involved in the Big Tent. Choose just one or design your own Big Tent…

  • The Big Tent Stays In Indy!

    From the PC(USA) website: Big Tent to stay in Indianapolis LOCATION FINALIZED AFTER EXAMINATION OF NEW INDIANA IMMIGRATION BILL The Big Tent – the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s biennial celebration of ministry and mission – will be pitched in Indianapolis June 30-July 2. The decision to keep the Big Tent event in Indianapolis this summer was made…

  • Interested in Attending Big Tent 2011?

    The Presbytery of Ohio Valley will reimburse the cost of Big Tent registration ($285) for members of the presbytery. Go to the the PC(USA) Big Tent website to register for the event. Or contact: Kerry Rice at G.A. Meeting Services – (800) 728-7228, x5412 Send your registration/payment confirmation to the POV office. We’ll send you the reimbursement!…

  • Big Tent Registration Now Open!

    Register for The Big Tent through the PC(USA) website. This summer, thousands of Presbyterians will gather from across the country to celebrate the mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).  Registration for the Big Tent Conference opened February 28 and already dozens have begun to respond. The Big Tent (June 30-July 2) combines nine…