On Sunday, July 14th, Beth Nelson Chase, VP of Bright Stars of Bethlehem, brought greetings and thanks from the Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, to First Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Indiana. The Presbytery of Ohio Valley has a Partnership with the International Center of Bethlehem. Beth reports that this Partnership, which is now seven years old, is a model for other denominations, and she expressed gratitude for all that the Partnership means in Bethlehem.
Beth reports that the Presbyterian Church (USA) Foundation recently announced investments in the work the POV has been partnered with for these seven years. The Foundation has researched work being done in Palestine, and have agreed to oversite of investments of the work under the direction of Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb. This is an opportunity to work with the people of Bethlehem, who are touching the lives of 60,000 a year in the city and surrounding villages with the services for elders, young families, children, young adults, students and in health and wellness.
In addition, Beth reports that the Dar al-Kalima College is now accredited as a four-year institution of higher education. This accreditation opens possibilities for exchange and the sharing of resources with institutions around the globe. The Dean of the college, Dr. Nuha Khoury declares, “This is a work of life for young people in Palestine.”
The morning event included a Brunch such as is served at the Guesthouse in Bethlehem. The tables were full of flowers and photos taken by the people from the Presbytery of Ohio Valley who have traveled to Bethlehem as part of the Partnership work.