The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium


Attention Pastors:

On July 18th youth from around the Ohio Valley Presbytery will be gathering for a delegation overnight before attending one of the greatest youth events in the Presbyterian world – Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT).  Every three years 6,000 youth gather at Purdue University in July for five days of worship, prayer, study and great fun. The dates for the youth to be at Purdue are July 19-23.

The theme for the 2016 event is “GO”! This theme is as much about when they leave the Triennium as it is about the event itself. From the first worship service they will explore what happens AFTER the Triennium.

You want your kids to be involved… here is what you need to be doing!

  1. Go to and download information and promotional material.   Post that information in your church and make sure your youth leaders/ advisors know about this opportunity. Triennium Forms can also be downloaded and printed from the POV website, on the Resources for Youth page.
  2. Speak to EVERY youth in eighth grade- your 2016 graduating seniors.  Tell them about dates and encourage them to check-out the website or facebook group (POV Presbyterian Youth Triennium Delegation and Presbyterian Youth Triennium).  Give the attached information form and participant information form to youth that are interested in attending.  Do you have a young adult who has participated in the past and would like to be part of the triennium work crew?  Contact Cheryl Moles. All forms required for registration are attached to this email, but will also be sent to participants as needed.
  3. Talk about Triennium from the pulpit!  Add the youth and this event on your church’s prayer list.
  4. Let your Session know that 1/3 of the cost should be covered by the church.  That means you need to plan for $175.00 per youth participant.  The cost for Triennium is covered by the individual youth, church and presbytery each paying 1/3 of the cost.  The PYT fee is $505 and an additional $20 has been added to help with the costs of delegation t-shirts, and the delegation overnight expenses.  The Presbytery acknowledges the importance of PYT by budgeting to send a delegation to PYT and provides transportation to and from Purdue.  If your church or youth has financial need, contact Cheryl Moles for assistance.
  5. Contact your youth personally.  Let us know how we can help you encourage your youth to participate.
  6. We don’t want anyone to miss out!  April 15th  is the deadline for your registration and fee payment.  All should be sent to Cheryl Moles at Central Presbyterian 125 North 7th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807.   Earlier is better!  You may have individuals mail their forms or send them from your church.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Cheryl Moles                                       Susan McGhee
Triennium Registrar                           POV Executive Presbyter
PYT Coordinating Team                     PYT Coordinating Team                     
812-232-5049                                      866-344-7853