Pulpit Supply

Pulpit Supply Application
The following people are eligible for inclusion on the list for Pulpit Supply in the Presbytery of Ohio Valley:

Ministers of Word and Sacrament who are members of the Presbytery, Ruling Elders who are members of congregations in the Presbytery, Inquirers/Candidates from this or other presbyteries, and Ministers in good standing in another denomination--if those denominations are "in correspondence" with the PC(USA). For more information on eligibility, please read the linked document.

Contact Info

Address *

My Status

I am a: *

Additional Info:

Member of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley? *
(If applicable)
Is your status Member in Good Standing? *
Are you a member in good standing? *

Confirmation of Identity

If you are a Minister of Word and Sacrament and a current member of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley, skip this section.

Please Read and Initial each of the following statements:

The Presbytery's list for Pulpit Supply is intended to provide churches with very short term worship leadership needs. Arrangements which involve more than three weeks of service in any given month will require a more formal contract, which involves formal agreements, background checks, and other considerations. These agreements are determined by the presbytery.
Serving in a pulpit supply is not intended to be an entry point into the congregation or presbytery for longer service.
Service as a pulpit supply does not imply a pastoral relationship. Service in additional pastoral tasks is only at the invitation of the Moderator of the Session of the church. Such additional services are funerals, weddings, home or hospital visits, pastoral counseling, etc.
The Committee on Ministry is charged with responsibility to congregations. This committee is the responsible authority for establishing pastoral service agreements. At any time that a congregation or a person providing Pulpit Supply services wishes to extend that service to longer or a more permanents agreement, the Committee on Ministry must be immediately consulted. This consultation is best initiated through the Moderator of the Session.


I am willing to travel up to: *
Advance Notice Needed: *

For ministers of the Word and Sacrament in PC(USA) or minister members of another denomination in good standing.

I am willing to serve communion if requested to do so as part of a worship service.


By entering my digital signature and clicking the "Submit" button, I affirm the above information is correct.