Here’s the good news:
We left with 38 youth and 5 adults and we came back with 38 youth and 5 adults.
Despite heat indexes that soared above 105 degrees, none of the Ohio Valley delegation got sick or injured.
We had one of the lowest carbon footprints at the conference. Especially since we, the hardy Hoosiers, didn’t need silly air conditioning in our dorms.
Okay so that’s good news… but here’s the amazing news:
We left with 38 youth—38 kids who didn’t know each other, 38 kids who had never been to Triennium. And we came home with 38 young people who have built community with Presbyterians from across the country and around the world. We came back with a bus filled with young people who have been challenged and transformed.
We left with 38 youth that were unsure about what was going to happen, we came back with 5 members of the triennium choir, an elder who helped to serve communion to 5000, and the delegation that always arrived 45 minutes early for every worship service so that we could sit at the front.
Over the past week, I have been blessed to walk beside the 38 youth from Ohio Valley Presbytery (and a few friends from Florida). While with them, I witnessed the spirit moving in amazing ways. I watched as our young people listened and considered the meaning of Mordecai’s words to Ester “Perhaps you have come to such a royal position for such a time as this.” I listened as our young people discussed where God was calling them. As they considered the gifts that they have been given and the joyful service God is asking of them.
All that said… here’s a warning: There are 38 young people who are alive and excited and ready to share their gifts with the local congregation and with the world. They are going to be loud, they are going to be raucous and they are going to try things we never imagined. Those 38 young people are spread across our presbytery and if they are not in your church… they are attending a church near by. So be on the look out!
Brothers and sisters of Ohio Valley presbytery. I know that Dawn, Peggy, Tami, Andy and myself were honored to accompany your youth at Triennium. We give thanks for the resources that were given to make the trip possible, the support local churches gave to help kids participate; but most of all we appreciated the faith that you showed sending your youth and the prayers that you and your congregation offered. I ask that you would continue to pray for Matt, Victor, Jacob, Ryan, Daniel, Evan, Andrew, Taylon, Tim, Jana, Savannah, Emily, Kate, Katie, Ellen, Audrey, Anna, Codie, Kelly, Sydney, Bailey, Cassie, Hannah, Carly, Chloe, Megan, Ali, Vanessa, Abby, Abigail, Joanna, Valarie, Katie, Tavi, Jacey, Susan, Corinne and Nichole as they return home and get ready for the coming school year. Pray that they will remember God’s close presence wherever they might be continuing to grow as one of Christ’s own disciples.
In Christ,
Rachel Pedersen